32bit FTP Manual Table of Contents -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Section Number: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. About This Manual 1 Buttons and Dialog Box Items 1 2. Getting Started 2 Installing 32bit FTP 2 The Main Window 3. Main 32bit FTP Menu Items 3 [File] 3 [Command] 3 [Edit] 3 [Log] 3 [Save] 3 [Options] 3 [Hide] 3 [Help] 3 [Register] 3 4. Main Control Buttons 4 Connect (Group) 4 [Open] 4 [Close] 4 [Abort] 4 [Exit] 4 [Copy] (Copy from This Computer to a Remote Site) 4 [CopyAs] (CopyAs from This Computer to a Remote Site) 4 [Copy] (Copy from a Remote Site to This Computer) 4 [CopyAs] (CopyAs from a Remote Site to This Computer) 4 5. File Transfer Mode Options 5 [Binary] (Radio Button) 5 [ASCII] (Radio Button) 5 [Fast ASCII transfer] (Check Box) 5 [Auto ASCII] (Check Box) 5 [Auto Binary] (Check Box) 5 6. This Computer: - Push Buttons, and Edit Boxes 6 [This Computer: directories, drives, files] (Combo-Edit Box) 6 [List of Directories and Drives] (List Box) 6 [List of Files] (List Box) 6 [Change] (Directory) (Push Button) 6 [Make] (Directory) (Push Button) 6 [Rename] (Directory) (Push Button) 6 [Remove] (Directory) (Push Button) 6 [Wild Card] (Edit Box) 6 [Details] (Listing of Files in Current Directory) (Push Button) 6 [Rename] (File) (Push Button) 6 [Delete] (File) (Push Button) 6 [View] (File) (Push Button) 6 [Execute] (File) (Push Button) 6 7. Remote FTP Site: - Push Buttons, and Edit Boxes 7 [The Remote Site's Current Path/Directory] (Combo-Edit Box) 7 [List of Directories] (List Box) 7 [List of Files] (List Box) 7 [Change] (Directory) (Push Button) 7 [Make] (Directory) (Push Button) 7 [Rename] (Directory) (Push Button) 7 [Remove] (Directory) (Push Button) 7 [chmod] (File) (Push Button) 7 [Wild Card] (Edit Box) 7 [Details] (Listing of Files in Current Directory) (Push Button) 7 [Rename] (File) (Push Button) 7 [Delete] (File) (Push Button) 7 [View] (File) (Push Button) 7 8. Session Status details: 8 Current Event (Read Only Edit Box) 8 Log of Session (Read Only Edit Box) 8 Completeness of Current Element of Job (Progress Bar) 8 Completeness of Job (Progress Bar) 8 [Connect to Remote Site] Dialog Box Description 9. [Connect to Remote Site] Dialog Box Push Buttons 9 Remote Site (Edit Boxes and Combo Boxes) (Group) 9 [Nickname] 9 [Address] 9 [Type] 9 [Username] 9 [Password] 9 [Account] 9 [Timeout] 9 [Retries] 9 [Cmd Port] 9 [Keep Alive] 9 [Close on Idle] 9 LOGON Options (Group) 9 [Anonymous Logon] 9 [Passive Mode] 9 [Save Password] 9 List Style 9 [NLST -f] 9 [NLST -t] 9 [NLST x] 9 [LIST -f] 9 [Remote Site's Directory at Logon] 9 [This Computer's Directory at Logon] 9 10. [Connect to Remote Site] Push Buttons 10 [Delete Entry] 10 [Save Entry] 10 [Help] 10 [Cancel] 10 [List Files and Directories Requirements] 10 [Connect] 10 11. [Connect to Remote Site] Firewall Options 11 [No Firewall] 11 [SITE Hostname] 11 [USER After Logon] 11 [Proxy Open] 11 [Transparent] 11 [USER with no Logon] 11 [USER FireID@RemoteHost] 11 [USER RemoteID@RemoteHost FireID] 11 [USER RemoteID@FireID@RemoteHost] 11 [Hostname] 11 [Username] 11 [Password] 11 [Port] 11 12. Change Mode Dialog Box Description Help (Push Button) 12 Cancel (Push Button) 12 Apply (Push Button) 12 Remote Site Permissions (Group) 12 Owner (Group) 12 Read (Push Button) 12 Write (Push Button) 12 Execute (Push Button) 12 Group (Group) 12 Read (Push Button) 12 Write (Push Button) 12 Execute (Push Button) 12 World (Group) 12 Read (Push Button) 12 Write (Push Button) 12 Execute (Push Button) 12 Change Mode to (Edit Box) 12 13. 32bit FTP Configure Dialog Box Description 13 Your Name (Edit Box) 13 Your Email Address (Edit Box) 13 Program to View Files (Edit Box) 13 Browse (Push Button) 13 FTP Session Options (Group of Check Boxes) 13 Load Connect box on Startup (Check Box) 13 Prompt before Copying Files (Check Box) 13 Prompt before Deleting Files (Check Box) 13 Send Unique, No Overwrite (Check Box) 13 Receive Unique, No Overwrite (Check Box) 13 Show Messagebox After Copy Event (Check Box) 13 After Copy Event, Verbally Call if Messagebox (Check Box) 13 Make ERROR Sound on Error (Check Box) 13 Make OK Sound on Completion (Check Box) 13 Copy to Remote Site in lower case (Check Box) 13 Use System Tray (Check Box) 13 Maximum Size of Send Buffer (Combo Box) 13 Maximum Size of Receive Buffer (Combo Box) 13 File Transfer Mode Group 13 Binary (Radio Button) 13 ASCII (Radio Button) 13 Fast ASCII transfer (Check Box) 13 Auto ASCII Mode by File Extention (Check Box) 13 Select Auto ASCII Mode File Extentions (Push Button) 13 Auto Binary Mode by File Extention (Check Box) 13 Select Auto Binary Mode File Extentions (Push Button) 13 Power User (Push Button) 13 Beginner User (Push Button) 13 Help (Push Button) 13 Cancel (Push Button) 13 Apply (Push Button) 13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- End Table of Contents Section 1 - About This Manual - Buttons and Dialog Box Items While reading this manual, words in square brackets [ ] will be in reference to [Buttons and Dialog Box Items]. Section 2 - Getting Started - Installing 32bit FTP Go to https://www.electrasoft.com/32ftp.htm and download the newest version. During installation, it will ask you for your registration name and email address. Enter the name and email address you want 32bit FTP to be registered to. This is the name and email address that you will be known to us at ElectraSoft as. You can change any of these items later if you wish. It will also ask you for a Password. Don't worry if you do not have it yet, you can get it later. Installation Notes: Permissions Problems If you experience permissions problems it is most likely that you have a [Standard User] account. Changing your account to an [Administrator] account will fix this problem. You can not change your [Standard User] account to an [Administrator] account while logged into your own account because, (you guessed it), you do not have permission. To change your [Standard User] account to an [Administrator] account: Log off your account, log on to an [administrator account], change your account to an [Administrator] account, and reboot the computer. If you are running Windows Vista: o Click the [Start] button o Locate and select [Switch User] o Log on to an [administrator account] o Click the [Start] button o Select [Settings] o Select [ Control Panel] o Select [User Accounts] o Select [Manage another account] o Find and select [your user account] o Select [Change the account type] o Change your account to [Administrator] o Select [Change Account Type] o Reboot the computer The Main Window Section 3 - Main 32bit FTP Menu Items - [File], [Exit] This will exit the program. - [Command], [Connect] Loads the [Connect to Remote Site] Dialog Box. - [Command], Connection] Closes the Connection to the Internet. If an Event is in progress, it is aborted. - [Command], [Resume] Resume incomplete file transfers. - [Command], [Send Command to Remote Site] Send any command you desire to to the Remote Site. - [Edit], [Copy All of Log] Copies the entire [Log of Session] to the Windows Clipboard. You can now paste it into any Windows Application edit box. - [Edit], [Copy Select Text in Log] Copies selected text, in the [Log of Session], to the Windows Clipboard. You can now paste it into any Windows Application that has an edit box. Highlight a portion of the text in the [Log of Session] and copy it to the Windows Clipboard. - [Log], [Activity is...] This control is for the purpose of toggling between logging all activity and not logging all activity. If you are logging all activity, this will say [Activity is being logged - Click to stop logging (for high speed)], otherwise if you are not logging, it will say [Activity is not being logged - Click to start logging (for finding problems)]. The log is useful for troubleshooting a connection problem. - [Log], [View Log in Editor] Opens the [Log of Session], full screen, in the current editor that is selected under [Options], [Configure], [Program to View Files]. - [Save], [Save This Computer's Path] Makes the current path in the [This Computer's Current Drive, Path and Directory] field the default path the next time you log onto the current remote site. - [Save], [Save Remote Site's Path] Makes the current path in the [The Remote Site's Current Path and Directory] field the default path the next time you log onto the current remote site. - [Options], [Configure] Loads the [32bit FTP Configure] Dialog Box. - [Options], [Font] This lets you choose what font to display the directory and file lists in. The font options are: [MS Sans Serif], [Courier], [Courier New], and [OEM Fixed]. - [Hide] This will minimize 32bit FTP. - [Help], [Help] (Pulldown Menu Selection) Loads the Help System. - [Help], [Show ScreenTips for Beginners] Select this to turn on ScreenTips help. With this option selected, you can place your pointer over any control and a ScreenTips help box will appear. If checked, Shows ScreenTips for Beginners. When you do not need ScreenTips any longer, un-check this by clicking on it. When ScreenTips are active, place your mouse-cursor over a control, and a help pane will appear. - [Help], [ReadMe] Loads the 32bit FTP README.TXT into an editor so you can read it. - [Help], [Manual] Loads the 32bit FTP MANUAL.TXT into an editor so you can read it. - [Help], [Uninstall] Instructions on how to Uninstall 32bit FTP. - [Help], [Go to: www.electrasoft.com] This will bring up https://www.electrasoft.com in your default web browser. - [Help], [About] Loads About Dialog Box. - [Help], [Register] Click this to bring up the screen on how to register 32bit FTP. If you are already registered, this will show you your registration information. - [Register] Click this to bring up the screen on how to register 32bit FTP. If you are already registered, this will show you your registration information. Section 4 - Main Control Buttons Connect (Group) At the top center is the Connect (Group). It consists of a text field, status indicator and two push buttons. When you are not connected the text says [Detached], and the status indicator consisting of a dark green pipe is broken in the center. When you connect to a Remote Site the text says [Connected], and the status indicator pipe turns bright green and is no longer broken. When data flows from This Computer to a Remote Site, dots move from left to right in the pipe. When data flows to Remote Site to the This Computer, dots move from right to left in the pipe. - [Open] Loads the [Connect to Remote Site] Dialog Box. - [Close] Closes the Internet Connection. If an Event is in progress, it is aborted. - [Abort] Aborts the current event. - [Exit] Exits 32bit FTP. If connected, closes the Internet Connection. If an Event is in progress, it is aborted. - [Copy] (Copy from This Computer to a Remote Site) Copies all the files that are highlighted in the This Computer File list box to the current Remote Site's selected Directory. If no files are selected, but there is a Directory highlighted in the This Computer Directory list box, the entire directory will be created on the Remote Site and all of the files copied into the directory. The Remote Site will now be a mirror of This Computer. - [CopyAs] (CopyAs from This Computer to a Remote Site) Lets you change the name as you copy the file to a Remote Site. - [Copy] (Copy from a Remote Site to This Computer) Copies all the files that are highlighted in the Remote Site File list box to the current This Computer selected Directory. If no files are selected, but there is a Directory highlighted in the Remote Site's Directory list box, the entire directory will be created on the This Computer and all of the files copied into the directory. The This Computer will now be a mirror of the Remote Site. - [CopyAs] (CopyAs from a Remote Site to This Computer) Lets you change the name as you copy the file to This Computer. Section 5 - File Transfer Mode Options - [Binary] (Radio Button) Copy files using Binary mode. Usually, people use the Binary mode to copy files. In Binary mode the files are copied without being altered. - [ASCII] (Radio Button) Copy files using ASCII mode. - [Fast ASCII transfer] (Check Box) Some FTP sites transfer ASCII files slower than they do binary files. If you use this option on these FTP sites, 32bit FTP will receive the ASCII file in binary mode and convert it to ASCII. This will allow you to receive ASCII files, from these FTP sites, up to 20 times faster. Also, if you upload an ASCII file (such as a txt or an html file) in binary to an FTP site and then download it in ASCII, the file will be damaged. When downloading this damaged file, if this option is checked, 32bit FTP will detect this and repair the file. - [Auto ASCII] (Check Box) Copy any file in ASCII transfer mode if its file extension is in this pre-determined list of file extensions. Any file with a file extension, found in this list, will be copied in the ASCII transfer mode regardless of what the default [File Transfer Mode] is set to. This means that the default [File Transfer Mode] will be overridden for these files. To edit the file extensions list, click on the menu bar option: [Options], [Configure] and go to the [File Transfer Mode] section and click on the [Select Auto ASCII Mode File Extentions] button. - [Auto Binary] (Check Box) Copy any file in Binary transfer mode if its file extension is in this pre-determined list of file extensions. Any file with a file extension, found in this list, will be copied in the Binary transfer mode regardless of what the default [File Transfer Mode] is set to. This means that the default [File Transfer Mode] will be overridden for these files. To edit the file extensions list, click on the menu bar option: [Options], [Configure] and go to the [File Transfer Mode] section and click on the [Select Auto Binary Mode File Extentions] button. Section 6 - This Computer: - Push Buttons, and Edit Boxes - [This Computer: directories, drives, files] (Combo-Edit Box) When you start 32bit FTP, the directory you started it from will be listed. There is a small [+] and [-] button that you can use to add and delete paths from the Combo-Edit Box. When you log onto a remote site, the This Computer will change directory to the directory listed in the [This Computer's Directory at Logon (Edit Box)] field which is found in the [Connect to Remote Site Dialog Box]. Each remote site can have its own This Computer logon directory. - [List of Directories and Drives] (List Box) Browse and select This Computer's (your computer) directories. - [List of Files] (List Box) Browse and select This Computer's (your computer) files. - [Change] (Directory) (Push Button) Click and then type in the directory you want to change to. An easier way is to double click the directory you want to change to, in the Directory list box. - [Make] (Directory) (Push Button) Create a new directory. - [Rename] (Directory) (Push Button) Rename a directory. - [Remove] (Directory) (Push Button) Remove or delete a directory from This Computer. - [Wild Card] (Edit Box) Type in a Wild Card or filter and click on the [This Computer Directory list box]. Example: 1. If you want to have only files with the zip file extension showing in the [This Computer Directory list box] type in *.zip. 2. If you want all files starting with di, type in di*.*. - [Details] (Listing of Files in Current Directory) (Push Button) Complete listing and full description of all the files in the Current Directory. - [Rename] (File) (Push Button) Rename a File. - [Delete] (File) (Push Button) Delete all of the Files that are highlighted. - [View] (File) (Push Button) View the file that is highlighted in the default viewer or editor. - [Execute] (File) (Push Button) Run, execute, or view the file that is highlighted. Section 7 - Remote FTP Site: - Push Buttons, and Edit Boxes - [The Remote Site's Current Path/Directory] (Combo-Edit Box) When you log onto a Remote Site, 32bit FTP will change directory to the directory listed in the [Remote Site's Directory at Logon (Edit Box)] field which is found in the [Connect to Remote Site (Dialog Box)]. Each remote site can have its own Remote Site logon directory. There is a small [+] and [-] button that you can use to add and delete paths from the Combo-Edit Box. - [List of Directories] (List Box) Browse and select the Remote Site's directories. - [List of Files] (List Box) Browse and select Remote Site's files. - [Change] (Directory) (Push Button) Click and then type in the directory you want to change to. An easier way is to double click the directory you want to change to, in the Directory list box. - [Make] (Directory) (Push Button) Create a new directory. - [Rename] (Directory) (Push Button) Rename a directory. - [Remove] (Directory) (Push Button) Remove or delete a directory from the Remote Site. - [chmod] (File) (Push Button) Change the mode of all the directory(s), on the Remote Site, that are highlighted. - [Wild Card] (Edit Box) Type in a Wild Card or filter and click on the [Remote Site's Directory list box]. Example: 1. If you want to have only files with the zip file extension showing in the [Remote Site's Directory list box] type in *.zip. 2. If you want all files starting with di, type in di*.*. - [Details] (Listing of Files in Current Directory) (Push Button) Complete listing and full description of all the files in the Current Directory. - [Rename] (File) (Push Button) Rename a File. - [Delete] (File) (Push Button) Delete all of the Files that are highlighted. - [View] (File) (Push Button) View the file that is highlighted in the default viewer or editor. Section 8 - Session Status details - Current Event (Read Only Edit Box) Information about the current event. - Log of Session (Read Only Edit Box) Log of events. The log is also written to a log file on your hard drive in the directory from which you are running 32bit FTP. When the log becomes too large, it is automatically deleted and starts again. The log file is not deleted until you exit and restart 32bit FTP, if you select the delete log on exit option. - Completeness of Current Element of Job (Progress Bar) Shows the Progress of a single event. - Completeness of Job (Progress Bar) Shows the overall Progress of a Job. If the job consists of only a single event, both Progress Bars work in tandem. Section 9 - [Connect to Remote Site] Dialog Box Push Buttons Remote Site (Edit Boxes and Combo Boxes) (Group) - [Nickname] List of Remote Site names. The name you want to remember the site as. Each time you select another Remote Site from this Dropdown Box, its profile is loaded and it becomes the current Remote Site. Here is a tip. If you type in the first letter of the site you want to go to and press the down-arrow key, you may save time. For example, press m and then the down-arrow. You are now at the start of the Ms. - [Address] The current Remote Site's FTP address. This is the actual remote site name or IP address. You can enter in the IP address or the domain name that will resolve to the IP address. IE: ftp.mydomain.com or - [Type] Type of operating system used by the remote site. - [Username] Your Username for the current Remote Site. If you need a Username with this Remote Site, use this name. If you do not have an account, and the site is open to the public (as many are), your [Username] will Usually be [anonymous]. 32bit FTP will do this for you if the [Anonymous Logon Check Box] is checked. - [Password] Your Password for the Username on current Remote Site. If you need a Username with this Remote Site, this Password will be used with it. If you do not have an account, and the site is open to the public (as many are), 32bit FTP will use your email address as your Password. 32bit FTP will do this for you if the [Anonymous Logon Check Box] is checked. - [Account] If the Remote Site requires an account enter it here. If not leave this field blank. - [Timeout] The time, in seconds, before you want to give up or automatically abort an event if the Remote Site does not respond quickly enough. This is usually 65 to 120 seconds. If the Remote Site does not respond in this time, you must assume that it may be busy or it may be down. - [Retries] If the logon to a Remote Site fails, this is the number of times to automatically retry the logon. The default is 1 because some sites, if busy, do not want to be repetitively [hit], and may filter you out in the future if you hit them too many times in rapid succession. - [Cmd Port] The default Socket Command Port. Usually 21 for FTP. [Keep Alive] Keeps the Remote Site from disconnecting you. If the Remote Site is setup to disconnect you after you are idle for 5 minutes (300 seconds), check the [Keep Alive] check box and set the [Interim Minutes] combo box to 2 minutes. Read [Close on Idle]. - [Close on Idle] If you check this check box and you for are idle for the time that you selected in the [Minutes Until Close] combo box, the connection will close at that time. This is the length of time that you can be on a site without doing anything (idle) until 32bit FTP close the connection. Most sites will disconnect you if you are idle for 300 seconds (5 minutes). Then when you go to do something the connection will fail. By setting [Keep Alive] to a shorter time than the remote site disconnect time and setting [Close on Idle] to a higher time, you should be able to keep the connection open as long as you want. When you log into a Remote Site, you must continue to do things such as copying file to and/or from, changing directories, etc. If you are idle too long, the remote site will reset, disconnect, or close your connection. We could send an occasional STAYALIVE or NOOP to the remote site to hold the connection. This practice is dangerous, because some sites will detect this and ban you from their site indefinitely. If you are the owner of a site or if the owner of a site gives you permission, you can set the site to never reset you. If the site disconnect time is set to infinite, and if you have reason to be permanently connected, then you can uncheck [Keep Alive] and [Close on Idle] and 32bit FTP will never close the connection unless you tell it to. LOGON Options (Group) - [Anonymous Logon] Check this if you do not have an account at current Remote Site. - [Passive Mode] Check this box to logon the server is passive mode, AKA [PASV]. - [Save Password] Check this if you want to save your Password for this account, so you do not have to type it in each time you log onto this Remote Site. List Style The command to get this remote site to return the list of sub directories and files in the current directory. Some FTP sites may have a compatibility problem and not display the directories and files properly, or not at all. If this happens, try changing these options around. - [NLST -f] - [NLST -t] - [NLST x] - [LIST -f] - [Remote Site's Directory at Logon] When you log onto a Remote Site, 32bit FTP will change directory to this directory on the Remote Site. Each Remote Site can have its own Remote Site logon directory. There is a small [+] and [-] button that you can use to add and delete paths from the Combo-Edit Box. - [This Computer's Directory at Logon] When you log onto a remote site, 32bit FTP will change directory to this directory on the This Computer. Each remote site can have its own This Computer logon directory. There is a small [+] and [-] button that you can use to add and delete paths from the Combo-Edit Box. Section 10 - [Connect to Remote Site] Push Buttons - [Delete Entry] Delete current entry. - [Save Entry] Save current entry. - [Help] Help on 32bit FTP [Connect to Remote Site Dialog Box]. - [Cancel] Exit the Connect to Remote Site Dialog Box, back to 32bit FTP, without Connecting to any Remote Site. - [Connect] Connect to the current Remote Site. The [This Computer's Current Drive/Path/Directory] will change directory to the directory listed in the [This Computer's Directory at Logon (Edit Box)] field which is found in the [Connect to Remote Site Dialog Box]. Each remote site can have its own This Computer's logon directory. The [Remote Site's Directory at Logon (Edit Box)] will change directory to the directory listed in the [Connect to Remote Site (Dialog Box)]. Each remote site can have its own Remote Site's logon directory. Section 11 - [Connect to Remote Site] Firewall Options If you do not need to go through a firewall, select the [No Firewall] option. If you need to specify firewall options, select which firewall option you need and fill in the required fields to the right. - [No Firewall] Select this if you do not need to go through a firewall. - [SITE Hostname] Select this for the SITE Hostname operation. - [USER After Logon] Select this for the USER After Logon operation. - [Proxy Open] Select this for the Proxy Open operation. - [Transparent] Select this for the Transparent operation. - [USER with no Logon] Select this for the USER with no Logon operation. - [USER FireID@RemoteHost] Select this for the USER FireID@RemoteHost operation. - [USER RemoteID@RemoteHost FireID] Select this for the USER RemoteID@RemoteHost FireID operation. - [USER RemoteID@FireID@RemoteHost] Select this for the RemoteID@FireID@RemoteHost operation. - [Hostname] This is where you enter in the Hostname for the firewall. - [Username] This is where you enter in the Username for the firewall. - [Password] This is where you enter in the Password for the firewall. - [Port] This is where you enter in the Port for the firewall. Section 12 - Change Mode Dialog Box Description - [Help] Help on 32bit FTP [Change Mode Dialog Box]. - [Cancel] Back to the [32bit FTP Window] without changing the mode. - [Apply] Changes the mode. Owner (Group) - [Read] Set Permissions to Owner Read. - [Write] Set Permissions to Owner Write. - [Execute] Set Permissions to Owner Execute. Group (Group) - [Read] Set Permissions to Group Read. - [Write] Set Permissions to Group Write. - [Execute] Set Permissions to Group Execute. World (Group) - [Read] Set Permissions to World Read. - [Write] Set Permissions to World Write. - [Execute] Set Permissions to World Execute. - [Change Mode to] The chmod number. If you know the mode number, you can use this text box to specify the mode number, instead of using the check boxes. Section 13 - 32bit FTP Configure Dialog Box Description - [Your Name] Your Name is displayed in the 32bit FTP Window, and is used to generate a unique Password when you register. - [Your Email Address] Used as your Password when logging into a Remote Site as a guest. - [Program to View Files] For viewing text files. The default is [notepad]. - [Browse (Push Button] Find a text editor. The default is [notepad]. FTP Session Options (Group of Check Boxes) - [Load Connect box on Startup] Loads the [Connect to Remote Site Dialog Box] when you start 32bit FTP. - [Prompt before Copying Files] Gives you a chance to confirm copying and a chance to rename it, if desired. - [Prompt before Deleting Files] Asks if you really want to delete a file before doing so. - [Send Unique, No Overwrite] If a file by the same name exists on the Remote Site, in the current directory, 32bit FTP will not overwrite it, but will either get a new name from you, change the name, or not copy the file. Uncheck this to overwrite existing files. - [Receive Unique, No Overwrite] If a file by the same name exists on the This Computer, in the current directory, 32bit FTP will not overwrite it, but will either get a new name from you, change the name, or not copy the file. Uncheck this to overwrite existing files. - [Show Messagebox After Copy Event] Makes a message box come up letting you that a copy file event just ended. If the copy ended ok, the message will be [Copy - Successfully Completed]. If the copy ended in error, the message will be [Copy - Ended in Error]. - [After Copy Event, Verbally Call if Messagebox] If you have selected the [Show Messagebox After Copy Event] option and this option, you will be verbally called until you close the [Show Messagebox After Copy Event] Messagebox. If the copy ended ok, a voice will repeatedly say [Copy Successfully Completed]. If the copy ended in error, a voice will repeatedly say [Copy Ended in Error]. If you want to change these Verbal Report sounds, select the [Verbal Report Browse] button and select any WAV file of your own. - [Make ERROR Sound on Error] Makes sounds from your computer's speaker when an error occurs. - [Make OK Sound on Completion] Makes sounds from your computer's speaker after event successfully conclude. - [Copy to Remote Site in lower case] If a file in This Computer has a filename that includes upper case letters, if will be converted to lower case when copied to a Remote Site. This does not affect the file or filename on This Computer. - [Use System Tray] Having this check box selected will cause 32bit FTP to appear in the System Tray. Once in the tray, you can click the small icon in the tray to minimize or normalize 32bit FTP. - [Maximum Size of Send Buffer] This is the size of the buffer for sending files to the remote site. If you have a slow connection, you will want this buffer to be smaller. If you have a faster connection, you may want this buffer to be larger. - [Maximum Size of Receive Buffer] This is the size of the buffer for receiving files from the remote site. If you have a slow connection, you will want this buffer to be smaller. If you have a faster connection, you may want this buffer to be larger. File Transfer Mode Group - [Binary] Copy files using Binary mode. Usually, people use the Binary mode to copy files. In Binary mode the files are copied without being altered. - [ASCII] Copy files using ASCII mode. - [Fast ASCII transfer] Some FTP sites transfer ASCII files slower than they do binary files. If you use this option on these FTP sites, 32bit FTP will receive the ASCII file in binary mode and convert it to ASCII. This will allow you to receive ASCII files, from these FTP sites, up to 20 times faster. Also, if you upload an ASCII file (such as a txt or an html file) in binary to an FTP site and then download it in ASCII, the file will be damaged. When downloading this damaged file, if this option is checked, 32bit FTP will detect this and repair the file. - [Auto ASCII Mode by File Extention] Copy any file in ASCII transfer mode if its file extension is in this pre-determined list of file extensions. Any file with a file extension, found in this list, will be copied in the ASCII transfer mode regardless of what the default [File Transfer Mode] is set to. This means that the default [File Transfer Mode] will be overridden for these files. To edit the file extensions list, click on the menu bar option: [Options], [Configure] and go to the [File Transfer Mode] section and click on the [Select Auto ASCII Mode File Extentions] button. - [Select Auto ASCII Mode File Extentions] Click this button to bring up a dialog box to configure what types of files should be automatically transferred in ASCII mode. This will only take effect if [Auto ASCII Mode by File Extention] is checked. - [Auto Binary Mode by File Extention] Copy any file in Binary transfer mode if its file extension is in this pre-determined list of file extensions. Any file with a file extension, found in this list, will be copied in the Binary transfer mode regardless of what the default [File Transfer Mode] is set to. This means that the default [File Transfer Mode] will be overridden for these files. To edit the file extensions list, click on the menu bar option: [Options], [Configure] and go to the [File Transfer Mode] section and click on the [Select Auto Binary Mode File Extentions] button. - [Select Auto Binary Mode File Extentions] Click this button to bring up a dialog box to configure what types of files should be automatically transferred in binary mode. This will only take effect if [Auto ASCII Mode by File Extention] is checked. - [Power User] Sets the defaults in this, the [32bit FTP Configure Dialog Box] to setting that an [Advanced User] may like. - [Beginner User] Sets the defaults in this, the [32bit FTP Configure Dialog Box] to setting that a [Beginner User] may like. - [Help] Help on this, the [32bit FTP Configure Dialog Box]. - [Cancel] Back to the [32bit FTP Window] without saving the changes. - [Apply] Saves and makes all of the setting in this, the [32bit FTP Configure Dialog Box], the default setting, and exits back to the [32bit FTP Window] without connecting.