ElectraSoft Send Email Software Solutions
32bit Email Broadcaster
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

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ElectraSoft try before you buy 32bit Email Broadcaster software FAQ. For broadcasting email newsletters to clients and friends or sending mass bulk emailings to opt-in email addresses use 32bit Email Broadcaster. Send email without bounce, reject, timeout, authentication errors, etc...

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is my SMTP email server name? How do I configure my SMTP?

How to Get Your SMTP Email Server Name

You may need to contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and ask them what your SMTP [server name], [username], and [password] is.

A List of Valid SMTP Email Server Names

If your port 25 is blocked, and if the SMTP Email Server supports port 587 then you will need to add [:587] to the name.
hotmail mail SMTP Email Server Name:

yahoo mail SMTP Email Server Name:

aol mail SMTP Email Server Name:

bellsouth mail SMTP Email Server Name:

comcast mail SMTP Email Server Name:

Google Mail, gmail mail SMTP Email Server Name:

How to Configure Your SMTP

Onces you have all the information you need, here are how step-by-step instruction for configuring your SMTP Email Server:
o Start
32bit Email Broadcaster
o Select (*)[SMTP only].
o Type in a valid SMTP server.
o Click on [SMTP Setup]
o You must supply a valid USERNAME and PASSWORD
o Select (*)[AUTH LOGIN (authentication, username and password required)]

You may need to send email with authentication. Click on the [SMTP Setup] button and select the [AUTH LOGIN (authentication, username and password required)] radio button. You will need to enter in your user name and password for you SMTP email server. If you do not know what this should be, please contact the administrator for the Email server.

Some ISP use port-587 for out-going email (SMTP); and port-465 for in-coming mail (POP). Sometimes their help/doc files are confusing or inaccurate, so ignore them.

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What is an SMTP email server?
How can I learn everything I need to know about my SMTP email server?
Where can I get a list of SMTP Server Status Codes and Error Codes?
What is the meaning of SMTP Server Status Codes and Error Codes?

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About SMTP Email Servers and More

Your SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the email server you use to send your email messages (ie: smtp.server.net). Here is the SMTP server format: (smtp).(Your Internet Service Provider's Name).(com or net). If you do not know your smtp address, look in your email program under [Configure], or [Options]. If you still can not figure out what your SMTP is, call your Internet Service Provider. They will be happy to help you.

SMTP Server Status Codes and Error Codes and their Meanings

The following error codes may be used to indicate various success or failure conditions. Servers that return enhanced status codes [ESMTP-CODES] SHOULD use the enhanced codes suggested here.

235 2.7.0 Authentication Succeeded
This response to the AUTH command indicates that the authentication was successful.

432 4.7.12 A password transition is needed
This response to the AUTH command indicates that the user needs to transition to the selected authentication mechanism. This is typically done by authenticating once using the [PLAIN] authentication mechanism. The selected mechanism SHOULD then work for authentications in subsequent sessions.

454 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure
This response to the AUTH command indicates that the authentication failed due to a temporary server failure. The client SHOULD NOT prompt the user for another password in this case, and should instead notify the user of server failure.

534 5.7.9 Authentication mechanism is too weak
This response to the AUTH command indicates that the selected authentication mechanism is weaker than server policy permits for that user. The client SHOULD retry with a new authentication mechanism.

535 5.7.8 Authentication credentials invalid, bad Bad UserName or PassWord
This response to the AUTH command indicates that the authentication failed due to invalid or insufficient authentication credentials. In this case, the client SHOULD ask the user to supply new credentials (such as by presenting a password dialog box).

500 5.5.6 Authentication Exchange line is too long
This response to the AUTH command indicates that the authentication failed due to the client sending a [BASE64] response that is longer than the maximum buffer size available for the currently selected SASL mechanism.

530 5.7.0 Authentication required and STARTTLS
This response SHOULD be returned by any command other than AUTH, EHLO, HELO, NOOP, RSET, or QUIT when server policy requires authentication in order to perform the requested action and authentication is not currently in force.

538 5.7.11 Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism
This response to the AUTH command indicates that the selected authentication mechanism may only be used when the underlying SMTP connection is encrypted. Note that this response code is documented here for historical purposes only. Modern implementations SHOULD NOT advertise mechanisms that are not permitted due to lack of encryption, unless an encryption layer of sufficient strength is currently being employed.

This document adds several new enhanced status codes to the list defined in [ENHANCED]:

The following 3 Enhanced Status Codes were defined above:
5.7.8 Authentication credentials invalid
5.7.9 Authentication mechanism is too weak
5.7.11 Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism
X.5.6 Authentication Exchange line is too long

This enhanced status code SHOULD be returned when the server fails the AUTH command due to the client sending a [BASE64] response which is longer than the maximum buffer size available for the currently selected SASL mechanism. This is useful for both permanent and persistent transient errors.

If you want to send large emailings
you will need 32bit Email Broadcaster installed on your computer.

Read how to use 32bit Email Broadcaster to broadcast email newsletters to clients, friends or for sending mass bulk emailings to opt-in email addresses.">.

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How can I use my SMTP email server to send email without bounce, reject, timeout, authentication errors?

Sending Email Broadcasts Without Errors

You will need 32bit Email Broadcaster installed on your computer.

Read how to use 32bit Email Broadcaster to broadcast email newsletters to clients, friends or for sending mass bulk emailings to opt-in email addresses.">.

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Why does email bounce?

Why Does My Email Bounce

If your outgoing email is un-deliverable for any reason, it will bounced back to your [reply] email address. That way you will be aware that it was not delivered to the intended recipient.

Some of the reasons for an email to bounce back to you is
o User unknown
o Mailbox full
o Mailbox unavailable
o Mailbox blocked spam filter
o user complaints
o Invalid recipient
o email address had syntax error
o mailfolder is full

Here are some common replies from recipient SMPT servers:
Subject: Delivery Status Notification
Final-recipient: rfc822; name@domain.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 Mailbox unavailable or access denied

Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
Final-Recipient: name@domain.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.5.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable

Subject: Delivery Failure
Failed Recipient: name@domain.com
Reason: Remote host said: IP_addr temporarily deferred due to user complaints - IP_addr; see http://postmaster.domain.com/421-ts01.html

Subject: Mail Delivery Failure
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 Invalid recipient: <name@domain.com>

Note that this next bounced email the domain part of the email address is mis-spelled, causing the host domain name to not exist, thus the [host not found] message:
Subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
reason: 550 Host unknown
----- Transcript of session follows -----
550 5.1.2 name@domainc.om... Host unknown (Name server: wtwerfc.om: host not found)
Reporting-MTA: dns; mail.electrasoft.com
Received-From-MTA: DNS; IP_addr.tx.comcast.net
Arrival-Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 23:45:35 -0600

Subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details
550 User suspended: name@domain.com
550 5.1.1 <name@domain.com>... User unknown

Subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details
<name@domain.com>... Deferred: Connection refused by sersd.domain.com.
Message could not be delivered for 1 day
Message will be deleted from queue

Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
<name@domain.com>: User unknown in virtual alias table

Subject: failure notice
child status 100...The e-mail message could not be delivered because the user's mailfolder is full.

Subject: failure delivery
Can't open mailbox for name@domain.com. Temporary error
I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.

Subject: Undelivered mail: User unknown
550 <name@domain.comt>: User unknown in virtual mailbox table
Reporting-MTA: dns; mx1.domain.com

A Closer Look at the Reason Emails Bounce

When examining a bounce, first, look at a couple of bounce messages. Buried in the all the tech-ee stuff you will see some important clues:
---- start ---->8
   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
reason: 553 sorry, relaying denied from your location [IP_Addr] (#5.7.1)
   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to smtp.example.net.:
)))) DATA
((( 553 sorry, relaying denied from your location [IP_Addr] (#5.7.1)
550 5.1.1 name@domain.com... User unknown
((( 503 RCPT first (#5.5.1)
---- end ---->8
This bounce from another SMTP email server attempts to be friendly:
---- start ---->8
Hi. This is the qmail-send program at domain.com. I'm afraid I wasn't
able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a
permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
[IP_Addr]. does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 MAILBOX NOT FOUND
Giving up on [IP_Addr].
---- end ---->8
These messages found in the body of the bounced email [MAILBOX NOT FOUND] and [User unknown] may or may not mean the same thing.

Common SMTP Email Server Error Messages:

Mailbox Not Found, invalid mailbox, User unknown, not our customer are all caused by the same problem. In the [name@domain.com] bounce examples above, the mail server [domain.com] doesn't have an account for anyone with the email name [someone]. Here are some common reasons:
o You typed the email address wrong. The single most common reason this error happens is simply that you made a typographical error in the email name. Check the entire email address for an error.

o The email address an old one that's is no longer in use. Perhaps the person you're attempting to email has changed their email address and you are using an old one which is no longer valid. Make sure you're email address list is up to date.

o Mailbox unavailable: Usually, this is the same as [mailbox not found]. Sometimes it mean that there's a problem with the recipients email account. What kind of problem is hard to say. Check to make sure that you have the email address correct, wait a while and try again, and if it still bounces try contacting the recipient some other way.

o Mailbox full, or Quote Exceeded: Sometimes this will show up as a part of a Mailbox unavailable message. It's fairly clear, though: your recipient has too much email and their server isn't accepting any more. This is most common with web-based email services like hotmail.com or Yahoo.com, which have limits on how much mail you can accumulate. This can also be a sign of an abandoned account. This person has stopped looking at and cleaning out the email. In any case, you'll need to try and contact your recipient through some other email account, or some other way.

o Host unknown, Domain Lookup Failed: This means that the SMTP email server you're attempting to send to, the [domain.com] part, in the examples above, doesn't exist. A common reason is a typo on your part. Make sure you typed it in correctly. Another reason is an ISP (Internet Service Provider) that change it's name. The largest example of this in recent memory has been [attbi.com] changing their name to [comcast.com]. Anyone trying to send to an old [attbi.com] email address might get this message in return.

o Unable to Relay: This error message is becoming more common as ISPs try to crack down on spam. Email is sent by relaying email from one server to the next. There could be many servers involved, but typically it's the mail server at your ISP relaying your email to the SMTP email server at your recipients ISP.

In general, a mail server must [know] either the sender of an email, or the recipient, in order to safely transmit mail. SMTP email servers that do not enforce this requirement are called [open relays] and can be exploited by spammers to send out spam.

Things get complicated because not all ISPs agree on what it means to [know] the sender of an email. All of these might result in [unable to relay] messages. Depending entirely on the servers and ISPs involved: The [From] email address might not match an account on the outgoing SMTP email server. The ISP might require that email comes via a connection (dialup or DSL) actually provided by the ISP - sending using someone else's connection might not be allowed. The ISP might require you to authenticate (use EHLO, AUTH LOGIN, username and password) before sending email and you haven't.
If this is the problem, read this. An SMTP email server somewhere could be misconfigured. There's no blanket answer if [unable to relay] happens only occasionally. Double check the email address you're sending to.

o Temporary Errors: Errors like [no adequate servers], [Connection Timed Out], [Resources temporarily unavailable.], [Out of memory] all typically indicate a problem with a mail server that you probably don't have any control over. They are, in general, temporary, and should resolve themselves over time. Look carefully at the bounce message; the email server involved may continue to automatically try to deliver your email without any action required on your part.

o Blacklist Filters: If you see messages that indicate your email was [blocked], or [listed in], and references to sites that have things like [spamcop], [dynablock], [blackhole], [spamhaus] and similar in their names, then your email was probably intentionally blocked because the receiving system thinks your ISP mail server is a source of spam.

Various blacklisting services try to identify servers which are sources of spam. They then make that list available to ISPs, who in turn can block email coming from these sources. The problem is that criteria for addition and removal from these blacklists is vague, at best, and getting a server removed from blacklists can be very difficult. If this happens to mail you send, get in touch with your ISP and explain that their server may be on a blacklist somewhere, and then try to use a different email address, or a different email account of your own, to contact your intended recipient. You might also tell your recipient that their ISP is improperly blocking legitimate email.

o Content Filters: Much like blacklists, content filters are an approach many ISPs now implement to stem the tide of spam for their clients. Most will simply discard email that looks like spam, as I discussed in Why is my mail to this person not getting through?, but some servers will actually send a bounce. Phrases in the bounce message like [Message looks like spam], [keywords rejected by the antispam content filter], [scored too high on spam scale] and similar means that your email, for whatever reason, tripped the spam filters on the receiving end. Your email looks too much like spam.

What does it mean to [look like spam]? Here, again, things get vague. That definition will vary greatly based on how your recipient's SMTP email server has been configured. Obvious possibilities are the use of pornographic words or phrases, HTML formatted email, currently popular drugs being hawked by spammers, or even having something that looks too much like a sales letter or a scam. The best approach is to scan the bounce for any clues (sometimes there's more information), and then validate your recipient can get any email by sending a simpler message. Assuming that all works, then re-work your message as best you can to not look like spam.

What does wait a while and try again mean?

One of the most common solutions for just about any bouncing email problem, after checking that you're sending to the right address, is to [wait a while and try again]. The email system, while somewhat random, is also somewhat self-healing. If there's an email server with a problem, chances are it'll get fixed or eventually bypassed, especially if it belongs to a larger ISP. For temporary problems, as noted above, SMTP email servers will typically keep trying for up to 4 days before giving up.

A rule of thumb for re-trying emails, is [one hour, one day, one week]. In other words, try again in an hour. There are classes of problems that will resolve themselves that quickly. If that still fails, then try again the next day. If that still fails (and your message can wait that long), try again in a week. If that still fails, you will need to find another way to get the message to your recipient.

When a Bounce Isn't Really a Bounce

Be careful! There's a class of viruses these days that propagate by [looking like] bounce messages. They instruct you to open an attachment for more information. Don't. Especially if you don't recall sending the message in the first place. Don't open any attachment, especially one accompanying what looks like an email bounce unless you are absolutely positively certain that it's legitimate.
You may also be getting bounce messages for email you didn't send. There's another class of virus that [spoofs] or fakes the [From] address on email messages, and as a result you could be getting bounce messages that have nothing to do with you. This scenario is sadly common, and I've written about it in a separate article: Someone's sending from my email address! How do I stop them?

Everything is Bouncing

Finally, if every email you send bounces, then you have a different problem. It could be that your email client is misconfigured. Double check your [SMTP Setup] settings, and double check with your ISP to ensure that you have them set correctly.

Everything is being Rejected

You may accused of breaking some rull set by your ISP or SMTP email server and you have been shut down for spamming. Here is how to figure out why your email is being rejected and how to fix it.

Send email using your SMTP email server without bounce, reject, timeout, authentication errors.

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How can I stop the emails from getting rejected or timing out when sending an email broadcast?

Finding and Fixing Email Broadcast Reject Errors

When you are sending an email broadcast with
32bit Email Broadcaster, if the emails all start getting rejected or they are timing out, you have an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) email server problem.

This could be caused by a number of things. Most likely, your SMTP email server is rejecting them for some reason.

Here is how to find out what the problem is:
Install newest version of 32bit Email Broadcaster onto your computer.
2. Send out a small test email broadcast to known email addresses, maybe your own email address.
3. Using one of the two following methods, send the log of your last failed email broadcast to us here at ElectraSoft. We will analyze it and reply to your email, informing you of the cause of your failed email broadcast problem and the solution.

Method 1:
From 32bit Email Broadcaster, click [Help], [Send last broadcast log to ElectraSoft tech-support...], type in a short message if you want to, then click [Next]. This will launch your web-browser with your [last event log] in it and ready to be posted to our email here at ElectraSoft. View/read this last event log if you wish, and then send it to us here at ElectraSoft by clicking the [Send the following information to ElectraSoft tech-support] button, or the [Send Email] button. Wait for an email reply, or call 281-499-8246 to inform use that you are waiting for a reply.

Method 2:
If Method 1 does not have enough information due to being truncated because it was too large, go into [Options], [Configure] and select [New log file with new name each session] - in the bottom left. Be sure that [Delete all session log files on exit] is NOT checked. Now, try doing the email broadcast. If it fails again, click on [View], [View session log file]. This is located in the menu bar at the top of the window. If you look in your session log where the emails started failing, you should see a message from your SMTP email server with a brief explanation why your email is failing. If you do not understand the explanation, or need help: Copy and paste the log into an
email to me here. Wait for an email reply, or call 281-499-8246 to inform use that you are waiting for a reply.

Common problematic messages found in the logs

[Authentication Required], [Authentication Failed], [No Relaying], [Permission Denied], or a similar message.
You may need to send mail with authentication. In 32bit Email Broadcaster, click on the [SMTP Setup] button and select the [auth login] radio button. You will need to enter in your user name and password for you Email server. If you do not know what this should be, please contact the administrator for the Email server.

Also, you may need to use a return Email address that has the same domain name as the SMTP server or contact the administrator of the server you are trying to use.

[Too Many Connections], [No More Connections Allowed], or a similar message.
Some SMTP servers will not allow you to send out mass Emails. They may have 'flood' protection to where if they see that you are sending out X amount of Emails in one session or a certain time period, they may cut you off and the outgoing Emails will be rejected or timed out. If this happens, you will have to contact the administrator of the server, usually your Internet Service Provider.

[Too Many Simultaneous Connections] or a similar message.
You have a number greater than 1 selected for [Emails to Send Simultaneously] and your SMTP server does not like this.

Click on [Options], [Configure] and set [Emails to Send Simultaneously] to 1. If this works, keep it at this setting or contact the administrator of your SMTP server, to see if they will raise your SMTP simultaneous email connections.

Some SMTP servers do not allow multiple emails to be sent simultaneously. Some SMTP servers allow only one email to be sent at a time.

Contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and ask them how many how many simultaneous emails you can send. You can also experiment and find out how many by starting with 1, then 2, etc.

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Can I send formatted message, such as HTML formatted messages?


Yes. To format a message, you must use HTML. The [Email Message File] must be an html file and saved with a file extension of [html] or [htm].

For more information on this, please see the Help file (Section 6) in 32bit Email Broadcaster by clicking on the menu: [Help], [Help].

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How do I get the images in my HTML formatted email messages to show up correctly?

Add Images to your HTML Formatted Email Messages

If the images in your HTML formatted email messages are not showing up correctly, here is why. The image you included in your email may not be accessible from the email recipients computer. If the image is on your computer and it is not on the receiver's computer, it is obvious that they will not see it.

The image that you include in a message must exist either on your computer or on a website somewhere, and has to be accessible to the person receiving your email message.

Two methods of include an image in an email message

Method 1: Include a URL image in an email message
You must link an image in that exists on the Internet. This way you can see the image, and so can your email recipient. A URL image looks like this:
<img src="http://www.domain.com/images/image.jpg">

Method 2: Include an imbedded image in an email message
[Insert/Edit Merge Files], [Insert Field], [Insert imbedded image] and browse for and select the image file. The code inserted into your HTML file will look similar to this:
<IMG SRC="file:///C:/Program Files/32BITEMB/images/image.jpg" ALT="image" WIDTH="152" HEIGHT="32">
When you send the email, at send time, this image will be imbedded and sent along with the email.

Do not do this: <img src="image.jpg"> - as this may be visible from your computer but will not exist or be visible from on the receiver's computer.

One advantage of using the URL method rather than the imbedded method is that an imbedded image makes the email larger and it could be rejected for being oversized. Where the URL image is very small because it is only a reference to an image that is accessible all over the world, and will be added only when needed.

Warning: It is up to the receiving email client to put the image in the email. Some email clients may not put all of your images back in your email message.

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How can I stop certain ISP and SMTP email servers form blocking my email?
How can I get off an ISP or SMTP email servers blacklist and on to their whitelist?

Blocked Blacklist Removal

Stop Your Email from being Blocked by going from the Blacklist to the Whitelist.

Many free email accounts like aol, gmail, yahoo, etc expire after a long time of not using them.

IE: Hotmail accounts expire after six months of disuse. People sign up for an account, use these email addresses temporarily as a throwaway address. They give to vendors they don't trust and then they stop using them.

Once an address expires, mail sent to it will be rejected, normally with error 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable. After another 6 months of disuse, the mailbox will be treated as a spam-trap.

What does this mean for legitimate marketers? It is now more important than ever to detect and eliminate bounces from your lists. If an email system tells you that an email address is bad, remove that entry from your lists immediately, and NEVER send to it again. If you do send to it again, your IP range will be blacklisted. This means that your messages will not being delivered to your users.

It has always been bad manners to send mail to nonexistent addresses, but now it's actually self-destructive.

If you have a good clean list of 1000s of email addresses, and you add several new email addresses to it, and if one of these email addresses is spam-traps, the whole list may be block.

Harvested email address list are usually 10 to 50 present spam-traps!!!

If you are sending out ligitament email such as noticeses, newsletters, etc, and you are not sending spam, this article will tell you how you can get off an ISP or SMTP email servers blacklist and on to their whitelist.

Here is what to do if you get blacklisted by a certain ISP (Internet Service Provider) or SMTP Email Server and you want to get off their blacklist and get onto their whitelisting.

If you have been blacklisted, the next step is to contact the ISP in question, and request to be removed from their blacklist (delisted). Each ISP has a process for applying. Most have you fill out an online form. Here are links to some of the more popular ISP whitelisting/delisting applications...

How can I get off AOL's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off AT&T's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off Adelphia's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off BellSouth's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off Comcast's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off CompuServe's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off Cox Cable's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off EarthLink's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off Excite's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off Google's Gmail Mail blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off Hotmail's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off Juno's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off Netzero's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off Roadrunner's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off SBCGlogal's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off USA.NET's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off Verizon's blacklist and on their whitelist?
How can I get off Yahoo's blacklist and on their whitelist?
What are the 88 Blacklist Zap Delisting Issues?
How does the 3 Digits Email Error Codes System Work?
Can you Explain the General Error Message Details?


Go to this AOL webpage, read [Conditions For Gaining Whitelisted Status], agree to terms, click accept and fill out form.


Because AT&T may change their method of getting your IP removed from their blacklist from-time-to-time, I suggest using Google search to get the latest blocked/blacklist removal URL each time you need is. Here is the Google search key for:
ATT blocked blacklist removal request


Contact Adelphia customer service desk at 800-683-1000 or 888-683-1000.


Because BellSouth may change their method of getting your IP removed from their blacklist from-time-to-time, I suggest using Google search to get the latest blocked/blacklist removal URL each time you need is. Here is the Google search key for:
BellSouth blocked blacklist removal request


Because Comcast may change their method of getting your IP removed from their blacklist from-time-to-time, I suggest using Google search to get the latest blocked/blacklist removal URL each time you need is. Here is the Google search key for:
Comcast blocked blacklist removal request


Since AOL now owns CompuServe,
go to this AOL webpage, read [Conditions For Gaining Whitelisted Status], agree to terms, click accept and fill out form.

Cox Cable

Email cox.net a copy of the bounced email notification.
Because cox.net may change their method of getting your IP removed from their blacklist from-time-to-time, I suggest using Google search to get the latest blocked/blacklist removal URL each time you need is. Here is the Google search key for:
cox.net blocked blacklist removal request


Email EarthLink with the complete header of the bounced email.
Allow 12-24 hours, EarthLink server engineers will fix the issue once the email is received.


Because Excite may change their method of getting your IP removed from their blacklist from-time-to-time, I suggest using Google search to get the latest blocked/blacklist removal URL each time you need is. Here is the Google search key for:
Excite blocked blacklist removal request

Gmail - Google Mail

Go here for messages being blocked or marked as spam.
A Helpful Google Mail Website


Hotmail is very strict with spam complaints and they DO NOT bounce emails. They only filter to trash or junk mail. If they get only a few they will filter all email from your account. They will also filter if they detect you are sending to many non-existent accounts, since this is a characteristic of spammers.

If you use your own domain name as your FROM EMAIL ADDRESS, you can set up SPF records under your domain that will improve delivery to Hotmail. Hotmail uses senderID to accept mail and require that you set up spf records on the domain you use for your FROM email address. You will need to contact your host and ask them if they publish SPF records and are compatible with Microsoft's Sender ID initiative. Unfortunately, this is the only way to ensure delivery to Hotmail due to Hotmail's policies.

Once you have set up spf records, let Hotmail know by sending them an email at senderid@microsoft.com with your domain name in the body. We will then configure your StreamSend account accordingly.

If you are not sending from your own domain, our only recommendation is that you wait 48 hours or more between sends. Hotmail may remove your account from their filtering if they do not receive complaints within a certain span of time.

Useful articles:
Email Newsletter Publishing Strategies
E-Mail Delivery Monitoring

Because Hotmail may change their method of getting your IP removed from their blacklist from-time-to-time, I suggest using Google search to get the latest blocked/blacklist removal URL each time you need is. Here is the Google search key for:
Hotmail blocked blacklist removal request


Getting onto whitelist.
Unblock Email.
Because Juno may change their method of getting your IP removed from their blacklist from-time-to-time, I suggest using Google search to get the latest blocked/blacklist removal URL each time you need is. Here is the Google search key for:
Juno blocked blacklist removal request


Un-block Email.


Follow instructions for removal.


Include your private IP address in the body of the email.
Because SBCGlogal may change their method of getting your IP removed from their blacklist from-time-to-time, I suggest using Google search to get the latest blocked/blacklist removal URL each time you need is. Here is the Google search key for:
SBCGlogal blocked blacklist removal request


All blacklisting/IP block issues can be reported to.

Additionally, you may want to consider registering for the usa.net feedback loop at which exempts registered IP addresses from most spam controls and allows contact if we see any delivery issues.

Because USA.NET may change their method of getting your IP removed from their blacklist from-time-to-time, I suggest using Google search to get the latest blocked/blacklist removal URL each time you need is. Here is the Google search key for:
USA.NET blocked blacklist removal request


Verizon Whitelist Application


Yahoo! Mail Delivery Issues Form
When asked for your URL, it should be the SMTP name; ie: [mail.domain.com]. If you give your web-site [www.domain.com] it will fail, saying the criteria does not match. Because Yahoo may change their method of getting your IP removed from their blacklist from-time-to-time, I suggest using Google search to get the latest blocked/blacklist removal URL each time you need is. Here is the Google search key for:
Yahoo blocked blacklist removal request

88 Blacklist Zap Delisting Issues

If you have received an error message regarding 88.blacklist.zap, they are quick to help with delisting issues.
Send an email here and include the IP address.

Email Error Codes have 3 Digits

Here we will covers email connection failure messages when using an email client.

Many people get a failed email message and just know that the mail didn't go through. This message is called a bounceback. What does that message really mean? The failed email notice tells you what is wrong and why the email failed. This way you can determine if it is your email or the one you are sending to.

The 1st digit indicates if the response was good, bad, or incomplete: If the 1st digit is a...
1 The Command was accepted, but the action is pending confirmation of a reply.
2 The action was completed successfully.
3 The command was accepted, but the action is pending receipt of further information.
4 The command was not accepted and the requested action did not occur. These are usually because of a temporary error or condition and one should try resending the request again.
5 The command was not accepted and the requested action did not occur. This is a permanent failure message. Something needs to be fixed before the action will work.

If the 2nd digit is a....
0 Syntax Usually refers to a syntax error occurring.
1 Information Reply to a request for information. 2 Connections Refers to the channel transmitting.
3 Still undefined.
4 Still undefined.
5 Indicate the status of the receiver's mail system.

There are 2 sets of codes XXX and X.X.X
X.1.X Codes:
X.1.0 Other address status.
X.1.1 Bad destination mailbox address.
X.1.2 Bad destination system address.
X.1.3 Bad destination mailbox address syntax.
X.1.4 Destination mailbox address ambiguous.
X.1.5 Destination mailbox address valid.
X.1.6 Mailbox has moved.
X.1.7 Bad sender's mailbox address syntax.
X.1.8 Bad sender's system address.

X.2.X Codes:
X.2.0 Other or undefined mailbox status.
X.2.1 Mailbox disabled, not accepting messages.
X.2.2 Mailbox full.
X.2.3 Message length exceeds administrative limit.
X.2.4 Mailing list expansion issue.

X.3.X Codes:
X.3.0 Other or undefined mail system status.
X.3.1 Mail system full.
X.3.2 System not accepting network messages.
X.3.3 System not capable of selected features.
X.3.4 Message too big for system.
X.3.5 System incorrectly configured.

X.4.X Codes:
X.4.0 Other or undefined network or routing status.
X.4.1 No answer from host.
X.4.2 Bad connection.
X.4.3 Routing server failure.
X.4.4 Unable to route.
X.4.5 Network congestion.
X.4.6 Routing loop detected.
X.4.7 Delivery time expired.

X.5.X Codes:
X.5.0 Other or undefined protocol status.
X.5.1 Invalid command.
X.5.2 Syntax error.
X.5.3 Too many recipients.
X.5.4 Invalid command arguments.
X.5.5 Wrong protocol version.

X.6.X Codes:
X.6.0 Other or undefined media error.
X.6.1 Media not supported.
X.6.2 Conversion required and prohibited.
X.6.3 Conversion required but not supported.
X.6.4 Conversion with loss performed.
X.6.5 Conversion failed.

X.7.X Codes:
X.7.0 Other or undefined security status.
X.7.1 Delivery not authorized, message refused.
X.7.2 Mailing list expansion prohibited.
X.7.3 Security conversion required but not possible.
X.7.4 Security features not supported.
X.7.5 Cryptographic failure.
X.7.6 Cryptographic algorithm not supported.
X.7.7 Message integrity failure.

200 Codes:
211 System status / system help reply.
214 Help message.
220 Domain service ready.
221 Service closing transmission channel.
250 Requested mail action okay and completed.
251 will forward to forwardpath.
252 Pending messages for node started. Cannot Verify user, will take message for this user and attempt delivery.
253 pending messages for node started.

300 Codes:
354 Start mail input; end with. server is ready to accept the message.
355 Octet-offset is the transaction offset.

400 Codes:
421 Sending too fast, or too many simultaneous sends, closing transmission channel.
432 Domain service not available, closing transmission channel.
450 Requested mail action not taken: Mailbox unavailable. Request refused.
451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing. Request is unable to be processed, try again.
452 Requested action not taken: Insufficient system storage.
453 No mail.
454 TLS not available due to temporary reason. Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism..
458 Unable to queue messages for node.
459 node not allowed: reason.

500 Codes:
500 server could not recognize the command due to a syntax error.
501 Syntax error, no parameters allowed.
502 Command not implemented.
503 Bad sequence of commands.
504 Command parameter not implemented.
510 Check the recipient address.
512 Host unknown. Domain can not be found.
515 Destination mailbox address invalid.
517 Problem with senders mail attribute, check properties.
521 Machine does not accept mail.
522 Recipient has exceeded mailbox limit.
523 Server or connector limit exceeded. Message too large.
530 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism. Your email client needs to use [STARTTLS], them send UserName, and then PassWord.
531 Mail system Full.
533 Remote server has insufficient disk space to hold email.
534 Authentication mechanism is too weak. Message too big.
535 Multiple servers using same IP.
538 Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism.
540 No DNS Server for email address.
541 No answer from host.
542 Bad Connection.
543 Routing server failure. No available route.
546 Email looping.
547 Delivery time-out.
550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable.
551 User not local; please try forwardpath.
552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation.
553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed.
554 Transaction failed.

General Error Message Explainations

The following are very general error message explainations. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: The email address is either misspelled, or does not exist. Mailbox is full: retry timeout exceeded. This is fairly simple and straight forward. The email you are sending to can not accept any more data.

Sorry. Although I'm listed as a best-preference MX or A for that host, it isn't in my control/locals file, so I don't treat it as local. (#5.4.6). There may be an issue with either the DNS setup or the port for the mail on that server is not working.

Technical details of permanent failure:
PERM_FAILURE: DNS Error: Domain name not found.
This message is saying that the domain name [howtointernet.net] does not exist. Make sure it is not misspelled.

Technical details of permanent failure:
PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 13): 553 sorry, mailbox unavailable (#4.7.1). This mailbox may not exist- double check spelling. This mailbox may exist and the pathway on the server needs to be re-established. This mailbox may exist, but the DNS is not set up properly.

Connected to but sender was rejected. Remote host said: 553 sorry, your mailserver [] is rejected by See http://spamcop.net/ Your email is being rejected because it is being seen as spam. This message specifically shows spamcop is the spam company that blocked the IP address. The IP address could be the one provided to you by either the company that hosts the email. Or your Internet service provider providing the line you used to send the mail. You can tell who is being blocked by copying the IP address. In this example it is: and doing an IP whois lookup. Check SPAMcop's system here Check another black list systems. : does not like recipient. Remote host said:
550-Rejected message because is in a black list at 550 bl.spamcop.net Giving up on Your email is being rejected because it is being seen as spam. This message specifically shows spamcop is the spam company that blocked the IP address.

The IP address could be the one provided to you by either the company that hosts the email. Or your internet service provider providing the line you used to send the mail. You can tell who is being blocked by copying the IP address. In this example it is: and doing an IP whois lookup. The IP address is the IP for the person you are trying to send to.

SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:
553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1).

There could be 2 reasons for this. 1- The sender is not allowed to email this account. (spam filters, blacklisted IP address, recipient has wrong permissions for email files). 2- The command was aborted because the email address is invalid. The e-mail address could not be found. Perhaps the recipient moved to a different e-mail organization, or there was a mistake in the address. Check the address and try again. [host451].[howtointernet.net] #5.1.0.

Technical details of permanent failure:
PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 13): 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1).

The sender is not allowed to email this account. Recipient has wrong permissions for email files, or sender is being blocked by a spam filter.

SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:
550- (bosmailout04.yourhostingaccount.com)
550-[] is currently not permitted to relay through this server.
550-Perhaps you have not logged into the pop/imap server in the last 30 minutes 550 or do not have SMTP Authentication turned on in your email client. Relay not permitted through this server means that either SMTP relay has been disabled or requires authentication such as a password. Email may be suspended or permissions are set incorrectly. The sender's system may have a blocked port.

Technical details of permanent failure:
PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 12): 550 bosauthsmtp11: Host No unauthenticated relaying permitted Relay not permitted through this server means that either SMTP relay has been disabled or requires authentication such as a password. The password is not authenticating or being recognized. The sender's system may have a blocked port.

SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection:
host gateway-f2.isp.att.net []:
550- blocked by ldap:ou=rblmx,dc=bellsouth,dc=net 550 Blocked for abuse. See http://www.att.net/bls_rbl/ for information. The sender's IP address has been blocked for sending SPAM.

Sorry, I wasn't able to establish an SMTP connection. (#4.4.1). I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long. This usually means there is some delay on the server. It could be the sender's server has a backed up mail system. Or the receiver's server is taking too long to respond. I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long. The message was waiting too long because of a delay on the server. The path shows that there is a log kept of failed messages and it shows the route it went through.

Technical details of permanent failure: PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 13): 550 5.1.1 recipient rejected. The email was rejected by the recieving email system. Usually indicates a problem with the recipent's email address.

SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
host mx.tnbnazarene.org []: 552 5.7.0 Number of [Received:] DATA headers exceeds maximum permitted. The email went through too many different channels and is being rejected by the server it is being sent to. Too many headers could indicate a spammer or an email spoofer trying to route through someone else's mail system.

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Why am I getting Error 553 From address not verified from Yahoo when I try to send email?
Error Code 553 From address not verified

When sending an email from a Yahoo (smtp.mail.yahoo.com) account you should use a [reply and from] Yahoo email address (YourEmailAddr@yahoo.com), not a Hotmail email address (YourEmailAddr@hotmail.com) or other email address.

You can log into your Yahoo account and give Yahoo a list of return email addresses and then in the futre you can use them.

Notice in this log, the sender used YourEmailAddr@hotmail.com as their [reply and from] email address. Because this email address was not in their [Yahoo a list of return email addresses], the email was rejected with error code [553 From address not verified]:
=------------ Start SMTP test ------------=
32bit Email Broadcaster Version 09.10.01
LocalHostName: ComputerName
Local Address[IP_Addr]
Windows Socket DLL: WinSock 2.0
Windows Platform: Windows XP, 32bit, CPU: x86
Message file(445 bytes):
Attached files list:
Email address file(2 addresses):
Sender's Name[FirstName LastName]
Sender's Email Address[YourEmailAddr@hotmail.com]
Extra Headers, None
Email Server[smtp.mail.yahoo.com]
Simultaneous Sends[00000001]
Pause 0 milliseconds between each email
Send Type[SMTP Only]
Email Server[smtp.mail.yahoo.com]
Email Server[smtp.mail.yahoo.com]
Email Server[smtp.mail.yahoo.com], Port[25]
--- Start Host Entry Test --
Host Entry Name[smtp.plus.mail.fy4.b.yahoo.com]
Host Entry Aliases Name[smtp.mail.yahoo.com]
Host Entry Addr Type[2]
Host Entry Length[4]
Host Entry Addr[IP_Addr] ulong
Host Entry Addr[IP_Addr] string
Host Entry h_addr[IP_Addr]
SMTP sin_addr.s_addr[IP_Addr]
--- End Host Entry Test --
recv[43] 220 smtp126.plus.mail.sp1.yahoo.com ESMTP
send[19] EHLO ComputerName
In loop[1], pass[1] - recv[99] 250-smtp126.plus.mail.sp1.yahoo.com
send[12] AUTH LOGIN
recv[18] 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
Username: [SendersUSER]
send[18] U2VuZGVyc1VTRVI=
recv[18] 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
Password: [SendersPASS]
send[22] W1NlbmRlcnNQQVNTXQ==
recv[18] 235 OK, go ahead
send[6] QUIT
recv[34] 221 Service Closing transmission
Socket[432] Closed.
=------------- End SMTP test -------------=
== StartThread:01, Msg:00000001, Timeout:0300, Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:13:29, Pause: 0MS ====
Email Record[RecipientUserName@hotmail.com]
SMTP connect[0]
recv[43] 220 smtp113.plus.mail.sp1.yahoo.com ESMTP
send[19] EHLO ComputerName
Looped[1], passes[1] - recv[99] 250...continue...
send[12] AUTH LOGIN
recv[18] 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
send[18] U2VuZGVyc1VTRVI=
recv[18] 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
send[22] W1NlbmRlcnNQQVNTXQ==
recv[18] 235 OK, go ahead
send[40] MAIL FROM: [YourEmailAddr@hotmail.com]
recv[108] 553 From address not verified - see http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/original/manage/sendfrom-07.html
send[6] QUIT
recv[34] 221 Service Closing transmission
Socket[448] Closed.
| Reject error while sending to:
| RecipientUserName@hotmail.com
| This message was not sent.
== EndThread:01, Msg:00000001, Timeout:0300, Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:13:30, error detected ======
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How to extract email addresses from files and email in-boxes and out-boxes?
How to import email addresses from files and email in-boxes and out-boxes?
How to merge email addresses from files and email in-boxes and out-boxes?

Email Extractor - Email Importer - Email Merge

If you need email address extracting processes to extract email from files and email boxes, the 32bit Email Broadcaster tools include several email extractors and email importing functions. To import email or extract emails from files and/or email in-boxes / out-boxes,
install 32bit Email Broadcaster on your computer and click on [Tools] and select from of the following options: [Import Email Addresses from Files], [Merge Email Address Files] [Remove Duplicate and Bad Syntax Email Addresses], [Remove Selected Email Addresses using Remove File], [Insert Merge Fields into Message / Edit Message], [Copy Merge Fields to Windows Clipboard], [Base64 Converter].

A good use for the email addresses extractor is; when you get an email bounce or remove request, move the emails into email folders called bounce and remove. Now, periodically, you will use the email address extractor to put the email addresses into the bounce and remove address file and run these files against your email-list to clean it.
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